The Indian Style of Villa-Lobos (Part Two)

rhythmic and textural aspects, signifying potential and Indian topics


  • Gabriel Ferrão Moreira University of São Paulo (Brazil) - (USP)


Indian style in Villa-Lobos, Musical analysis and meaning, Modernism and primitivism in music


Second part of the article resulting from my Master’s Thesis, which deals with the musical representation of Brazilian Indians in Villa-Lobos’s music. In this second part, I continue to defend the existence of a coherent and self-referential Indian Style on Villa-Lobos music, and I observe the signifying potential of rhythmic and textural aspects of this style based on a hermeneutic approach. Finally, some models of Indian topics on Villa-Lobos are presented.

Author Biography

  • Gabriel Ferrão Moreira, University of São Paulo (Brazil) - (USP)

    PhD candidate in Music at the University of São Paulo (USP). Master in Music (musicology-ethnomusicology) from the State University of Santa Catarina, holds a degree in Music from the same university (2008). Currently researching the modernist language of Heitor Villa-Lobos. Has parallel researches and publications in interdisciplinary events, in transversal themes such as Religion, Gender, History and its relations with Music. He also develops community projects of musical education for children and adults through choral singing and instrumental practice. He works mainly on the following themes: research in musicology-ethnomusicology, composition, western music theory and choral conducting.


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How to Cite

“The Indian Style of Villa-Lobos (Part Two): Rhythmic and Textural Aspects, Signifying Potential and Indian Topics”. 2013. Per Musi, no. 27 (June): 1-10.

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