Inadequate physical patterns in musical performance of violin students


  • Carolina Valverde Alves State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG) (Brazil)


Musician’s health, Physical injuries in violin players, Violin students


This article, a summary of the Master thesis (2008), discusses the observation and evaluation of physical problems presented by six Bachelors students of the Music School of UFMG (Brazil), in their violin practice. It is hoped that this research draws the attention of violinists and violin teachers to the importance of body consciousness whilst performing the instrument, emphasizing the need to maintain the symmetry and body relaxation of those parts involved in the act of playing the violin.

Author Biography

  • Carolina Valverde Alves, State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG) (Brazil)

    Physiotherapist graduated from the Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Minas Gerais in 1991. Specialized in the Bobath Neuroevolutionary Concept since 1992. Trained in Manual Therapy techniques such as Mioaponeurotic Crocheting and Mulligan. Works in the specialized clinic and in research in Musicians' Health since 1993. Member of EXERSER - Núcleo de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Músico since 1999. Amateur saxophonist since 2002. She taught the extension course "Musician's Health - Postural and gestural reeducation in musical activity" at the UFMG School of Music in 2003. She got her master's degree in Music from the UFMG School of Music in 2008. Teacher at UEMG's Music School since 2009 in the Bachelor's and Licentiate courses. Columnist of the Musical Journal (Official Organ of the Union of Professional Musicians of the State of Rio de Janeiro) since 2009.


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How to Cite

“Inadequate Physical Patterns in Musical Performance of Violin Students”. 2012. Per Musi, no. 26 (December): 1-12.

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