Perception of professionals of the clarinet in Brazil about anxiety in musical performance




Musical Performance, Psychology of Music, Anxiety, Clarinetists


This article investigates the perception of professionals of the clarinet in Brazil about anxiety in musical performance. A quantitative research was developed, from an intentional sample, formed by clarinet teachers of graduate and/or post-graduate courses in music from Brazilian public universities. The data collection occurred through the application of a questionnaire. The results showed the existence of anxiety in the performance of these professionals, the characteristics of such anxiety, the factors that trigger it and the use of coping strategies by this population. The contribution of the practice of collective classes in the form of master classes for the control of anxiety was also verified. Finally, the developing of coping strategies for anxiety becomes increasingly necessary, because it is understood that this is the way for the musician to deal with this feeling in a healthy way, avoiding its deleterious effects on the musical performance.

Author Biographies

  • Gueber Pessoa Santos, Federal Institute of Education, Science ans Technology of Pernambuco, Brazil

    Professor at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco (IFPE). PhD and Master in Music Performance (Clarinet) from UFBA. Graduated cum laude in Music from UFPE. Graduated from Escola Técnica Estadual de Criatividade Musical - ETECM, formerly Centro Profissionalizante de Criatividade Musical do Recife. Graduated from the Pernambuco Conservatory of Music. He performs as guest musician at the Virtuosi Festival (PE) and at the Pernambuco Opera Festival (FOPE).

  • Pedro Robatto, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil

    He has a degree in Instrument Clarinet from the Federal University of Bahia (1989), a Master in Music from the Federal University of Bahia (1998), and a PhD in Music from the Federal University of Bahia (2003). He is currently an Orchestra Musician for the State Government of Bahia and  Professor at the Federal University of Bahia. He has experience in the Arts area, with emphasis on Musical Instruments, acting mainly on the following topics: Recitalist, Chamber Music, Soloist and Clarinet Teacher.


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“Perception of Professionals of the Clarinet in Brazil about Anxiety in Musical Performance”. 2022. Per Musi, no. 42 (November): 1-23.

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