“Good/Bad Hair or Keratin Rods?" – Aesthetic Dimension of a Racial Ethnic Controversy in Chemistry Teaching in the Context of Popular Education
racial ethnic relations, Popular Education, teaching and learning of chemistryAbstract
This work aims to investigate the construction of scientific school concepts of Chemistry from an ethnic-racial controversy, whose purpose was to promote, in addition to the teaching/learning relationship, the political engagement aimed at a critical formation on the subject. The main premise is that controversies in the student's socio-cultural reality are motivational instruments with potential to promote the mobilization of scientific school knowledge, as well as identity aspects related to the cultural, social, and economic inequalities historically present in Brazil. The theoretical and methodological foundations of this research are based on the assumptions of the cultural-historical perspective. The research subjects are participants in a Popular Education project, and the objects of analysis were the record of the teacher's class report and the interview with the student who was most involved in the class discussions. The results demonstrate the use of topics of school chemistry as a way to validate the students’ position regarding the proposed controversy, as well as the ethical and political aspects related to racial ethnic issues, from the point of view expressed in the teacher’s report and in the interview.
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