Teaching Actions and Reflections Experienced by a Pre-Service Teacher during Elaboration Plans and Classes Practice: Contributions of Oriented Reflection Process





Reflection oriented, Class planning, Pre-service teacher


This research presents actions, reflections and discussions experienced by a pre-service teacher during the elaboration and development of a lesson’s sequence based on the investigative teaching approach. With the results it is possible to notice that the pre-service teacher demonstrated difficulties while presenting essential elements of the investigative teaching approach in her first class planning. Then, through the discussions and suggestions given during the meetings of Oriented Reflection Process (PRO), the pre-service teacher showed an evolution on the other lesson’s plans, that started presenting inquiry teaching features. The results also show the importance of the group in the reflection process, since through the discussions, suggestions and reflections, she began to value her actions and identifying what was needed to improve her teacher practice.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. A. da ., Silva, F. N. da, & Suart , R. de C. . (2020). Teaching Actions and Reflections Experienced by a Pre-Service Teacher during Elaboration Plans and Classes Practice: Contributions of Oriented Reflection Process. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 1169–1196. https://doi.org/10.28976/1984-2686rbpec2020u11691196


