The Role of Computational Models and Analogies in Learning the Drug-Enzyme Interaction Process in Modelling-Based Teaching




computational models, analogies, drug-enzyme interaction, modelling-based teaching


In this study, we investigate the roles played by computational models and by the processes of criticism and elaboration of analogies in the conceptual understanding of the drug-enzyme interaction process. The study took place with pre-service teachers who were attending the third year of a Chemistry course when they experienced a teaching process based on modelling. The classes were filmed and the written materials produced by the students were collected. The analysis of these materials supported the development of a case study that allowed us to show that the representation of the system by computational models enabled students to develop a greater understanding of the target concept, due to the visualization of the spatial arrangement of atoms in macromolecules and the dynamic treatment that type of system. This understanding was mainly manifested in the processes of criticism and creation of analogies. For this reason, we emphasise the importance of pre-service teachers having experiences that allow them to reflect on the potential and limitations of the different model expression resources when experiencing modelling processes during their education. We also highlight the need of carrying out new investigations on students’ understanding of the nature of computational models and analogies in these processes.


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How to Cite

Martins, D., Mozzer, N. B., Oliveira, T. M. A. ., & Caetano, M. S. (2020). The Role of Computational Models and Analogies in Learning the Drug-Enzyme Interaction Process in Modelling-Based Teaching. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, 20(u), 823–854.


