Experience report
education and search for quality scientific evidence – building a medical training
Evidence-based medicine, Dissemination of information, Medical trainingAbstract
For centuries, medicine has been developing, ceasing to be empirical and becoming more scientific. In this context, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) appears to provide support and evidence for medical acts and procedures, given the infinity of information, not always reliable, existing in the context of health care. The objective of this work was to report the perceptions of three medical students at Universidade Federal da Bahia – Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde, about the importance of the EBM approach during undergraduate program, supporting a high-quality medical education. The present report was based on experiences in the Current Events in Biology course, which consolidated the importance of EBM in the medical context. Based on this, it was found that the introduction of EBM at undergraduate level is essential for the training of a professional used to reliable information, favoring critical thinking in the academic and professional trajectory.
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