Work and outsourcing

context of the cleaning jobs at law and state science ate Federal Minas Gerais University


  • Amanda Mariana Silveira
  • Camila Bruna Duarte Domingos
  • Danielle Borges Lambertucci
  • Maria Isabela Gonçalves Gomes Pacheco
  • Tábatta Joplin Moreira Andrade



Cleaning job, Outsourcing, Invisibility, Feelings in relation to the job that performs


This research aims to demonstrate how workers in sub judged professions feel in relation to their work, the environment where they perform their activities and the people who are part of this site. We try to understand, through the vision of outsourced employees - the cleaning industry - and to analyze, from the perspective of sociology of work, the working environment of these women to demonstrate the precariousness of the service within the Law School of UFMG and its influence on behavior of these workers. qualitative questionnaires for data collection were used, along with chat wheels, in order to hear them, seeking to understand his feelings towards the work in the different situations that permeate their daily lives. In addition, we will analyze how the work of outsourcing makes the relationship between employer and employee and more precarious as the cleaners are affected by this phenomenon, in many cases, losing their rights and being accompanied by a feeling of insecurity.


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How to Cite

SILVEIRA, Amanda Mariana; DOMINGOS, Camila Bruna Duarte; LAMBERTUCCI, Danielle Borges; PACHECO, Maria Isabela Gonçalves Gomes; ANDRADE, Tábatta Joplin Moreira. Work and outsourcing : context of the cleaning jobs at law and state science ate Federal Minas Gerais University . Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 2, p. 187–211, 2016. DOI: 10.35699/2525-8036.2016.5002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 mar. 2025.