Changes in the technological self-perception of teachers in the context of a pandemic




TPACK, COVID 19, Remote education, Curricular prioritization, Teacher perception


This study relates the changes in the self-perception of teachers in the context of pandemics with the curricular needs suggested by the Chilean Ministry of Education. The objective was to analyze the objectives of the curricular prioritizations and the degree of self-assessment on the integration of technologies of teachers in pre-pandemic and pandemic contexts. The study was analytical, interpretative and comparative. A total of 178 teachers were selected, a TPACK questionnaire was applied to them in December 2020 and January 2021, and four subjects were selected for word clouds based on their prioritized objectives. Results were analyzed descriptively, comparatively with another sample taken in 2018 and among other demographic groups. The results revealed significant differences in several teachers’ TPACK components (TK, PK, PCK, TCK and TPK). It is concluded that teachers in the pandemic context perceive themselves with greater technological knowledge, but less pedagogical and content knowledge than teachers in the pre-pandemic context, not coinciding with the curricular needs in this period, where greater content and pedagogical management is needed to contextualize learning.


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How to Cite

RIVERA-ROBLES, S.; SALCEDO-LAGOS, P. .; FERNÁNDEZ-CHÁVEZ, C.; BADILLA-QUINTANA, M. G. Changes in the technological self-perception of teachers in the context of a pandemic. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 15, p. e39657, 2022. DOI: 10.35699/1983-3652.2022.39657. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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