Nutrient intake, ingestive behavior and physiological parameters of sheep fed with extruded roughage with different additives




Essencial oils, Ruminants, Tannin, Virginiamycin, Yeast


The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of extruded roughage containing different additives, on nutritional and physiological parameters of sheep. Twenty non - pregnant ewes were used, adults with an average weight of 68 kg. The animals received five treatments containing extruded roughage with different additives (essential oils, virginiamycin, tannin, unpurified inactive yeast and purified inactive yeast). The experimental design was a randomized block design with five treatments and eight replications. The means were compared by the SNK test with significance level of 5% of probability. The following variables were evaluated: dry matter and neutral detergent fiber intake and digestibility; dry matter intake as a function of body and metabolic weight; ingestive behavior; physiological parameters and ruminal pH. No statistical difference was observed due to the inclusion of additives, for dry matter and neutral detergent fiber intake and digestibility, ingestive behavior, feed efficiency, respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature and ruminal pH. The treatment with purified yeast showed the highest dry matter intake as a function of body and metabolic weight. There was a quadratic effect on pH depending on the time of collection, being lower in the first 4 hours after the meal, that is, the use of additives shows a positive response in rumen fermentation due to the reestablishment of the pH value. The use of additives influenced the dry matter intake by the sheep, which is greater when the additive inactive purified yeast is used. The additives were also efficient in maintaining ruminal pH and apparent dry matter digestibility.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, K. A., Assis, T. S., Sousa, L. F., Siqueira, M. T. . S., Souza, A. M. de, & Macedo Júnior, G. de L. (2020). Nutrient intake, ingestive behavior and physiological parameters of sheep fed with extruded roughage with different additives. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–9.



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