Archetype of a digital business process platform




Automation of Academic Processes, Issuance of Digital Diploma, Digital Transformation, Ordinances MEC 330, 554 and 1,095, Digital Business Platform


This article presents the results of the Master's research in Knowledge Management and Organization, developed between 2019 and 2021. The digital transformation has revolutionized several sectors of society, in the context of public Higher Education Institutions, such initiatives are still timid, for example, the process of issuing diplomas, done manually, causing delays and fragility to your security. Due to the length of the process, as well as the document standardization, this study demonstrates the proposition of an archetype of a Digital Business Process Platform (PPND), having as its scope the process of issuing digital diplomas in a public HEI, based on Decrees 330, 1,095 and 554 of the MEC. As a methodology, the research is characterized by an applied nature, with a qualitative approach, objectives applied in an exploratory way and technical procedures through action research. To build the theoretical-methodological framework, the RBS Roadmap protocol was used. For the development of the archetype, the Business Process Management methodology was used. As results, there was a systematic review and the archetype of the PPND. It is concluded that the platform is feasible to be implemented, and that the methodologies used can help public Higher Education Institutions to digitally transform their processes.


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How to Cite

FERNANDES DOS SANTOS, R.; AGANETTE, E. C. Archetype of a digital business process platform. Múltiplos Olhares em Ciência da Informação , Belo Horizonte, n. Especial, 2021. DOI: 10.35699/2237-6658.2021.37169. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.

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