Audiovisual electroacoustic music for VR




Audiovisual electroacoustic music, Virtual reality in art, Musical composition


This article aims to define the development of audiovisual electroacoustic music for virtual reality (VR) as an emerging artistic expression. Revisiting concepts and terminologies by several authors (Gibbs, 2007; Leite, 2004; Lima, 2011; Fry, 1920) in relation to the most diverse audiovisual manifestations, we consolidated Hill's definition (2010) and expanded it to a specific reproduction system, VR, as the most appropriate for our object of study. The maintenance of what we call extrinsic space (Henriksen, 2002) in this type of manifestation makes it possible to consolidate it as a musical parameter. First studies in audiovisual electroacoustic music for VR are presented as result of doctoral work.

Author Biography

  • Fabio Wanderley Janhan Sousa , Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

    Doctor and Master in Music - Sonology (School of Music at UFMG), also has an MA in Music and Technology (University of York – England). Graduated in Composition and Music Education (UFMG) and has training as Electronics' Technician (CEFET-MG). During his studies, participated in extension and scientific initiation projects, taught topics in music and technology, and was monitor of undergraduate disciplines. Has been working professionally for 18 years in audio recording, editing, mixing and mastering, having completed more than 80 CDs and DVDs, as well as sound reinforcement and recording of various events in Brazil and abroad, as well as in the live broadcast of concerts by Radio UFMG Educativa and several other concerts via digital streaming platforms. Has publications in proceedings of ANPPOM, AES Brasil, AES UK, Sysmus, Nas Nuvens, and papers at Unicamp's Sonora and Opus. He is currently a substitute professor in the area of ​​Composition and Music and Technology at UFRN, works as a sound engineer at Hi-Fi Audio Solutions and as an audiovisual laboratory technician at the UFMG Music School.



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How to Cite

“Audiovisual Electroacoustic Music for VR”. 2021. Per Musi, no. 41 (August): 1-19.

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