Metacognition and Experimental Activities in Science: Analyzing Articles from Foreign Journals
Experimental Activities, Metacognitive Processes, Journal ReviewAbstract
In this study we analyzed a selection of international publications that associate metacognition and experimental activities in science, assessing the characteristics of these articles. To this end, we queried the ERIC database, which returned 19 publications in English. The results show that research on metacognition and experimental activities continues to grow to be carried out, especially in the U.S., although the Asian continent holds the largest number of countries involved in research in this field. Moreover, we found that chemistry and undergraduate teaching are prevalent terms in the selection. The didactic-methodological organization present in most articles refer to the inquiry-based approach in real laboratories, carried out in groups and under the guidance of a professor. Regarding the way in which metacognition is associated with experimental activities, the study revealed that, for most researchers, metacognition played a central role, however, in some cases, the practice was modified in order to include it, whereas in others it was analyzed without the need for change. The predominant concept of metacognition related to the regulatory actions of thought (self-regulation), which are used to plan, oversee and evaluate this thought and the students' learning.
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