Epistemological Links Between NDC Knowledge and the Investigative Context of the Ancient Greek Research Tradition Using Larry Laudan's Problem Solving Approach
Nature of Science, Problem Solving, NDC Knowledge, Epistemological Links, Conceptual History of ScienceAbstract
Faced with the issue of a shared understanding of the aspects, characteristics, and principles that should guide science education, this article offers a novel viewpoint called epistemological links between NdC knowledge and the content of the conceptual history of science, through the historical-philosophical contextualization of science questions responsible for its cognitive development. This study is based on Laudan's problem-solving epistemology as well as considerable academic-scientific research. This approach is formed methodologically by a comprehensive contextualization of science questions that spurred the progress of astronomy, cosmology, and physics from ancient Greece to the emergence of modern science in the 16th and 17th centuries. For this reason, only eight of twenty-one bits of information from NdC are provided, with the remainder reserved for two more supplemental works. Adding to the various existing proposals, the concept of epistemological links can help: (i) overcome the teaching of simple declarative statements of NdC knowledge in the classroom; (ii) provide substantive epistemological validity to NdC knowledge through the historical-philosophical contextualization of science questions; (iii) avoid distortions of this knowledge, by highlighting its contextual nature; and (iv) demonstrate potentials that Laudan's view of science has provided to face problems inherent in the teaching of and about science.
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