Black Brazilian Work Dances: An Opportunity for Science Education From Body-Aesthetic Knowledge Produced in the Body Environment Relationship




Science Education, education for ethnic-racial relations, Artscience


We produced this article in 2023, and it will be 20 years since Law 10.639/2003 established the mandatory teaching of African History and Culture and Afro-Brazilian culture in the school curriculum. During this period, what can be observed is a relative advance in the approaches promoted in the context of school subjects in the areas of Human Sciences, Languages, Arts, and Physical Education; on the other hand, the guidelines in the context of school subjects in the areas of Exact Sciences and Natural Sciences are still incipient. For this reason, this article aims to present a didactic-methodological possibility of education for Environmental Sustainability in Science Teaching based on the Black Brazilian Work Dances. These dances constitute potent aesthetic-corporeal knowledge in the artistic approach to relationship between human beings and the environment. With this interest, it is based on the Artscience reference for the theoretical foundation of working with artistic languages in Science Education. In the work, 3 Black Brazilian Work Dances are approached, allied to the objective of teaching about a theme of the school subject Science, the different types of soil. A didactic-methodological proposal to address the relationship between human beings and the environment aligned with the commitment to educate for ethnic-racial relations.


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How to Cite

Gustavo, L. da S., & Moreira, L. M. (2023). Black Brazilian Work Dances: An Opportunity for Science Education From Body-Aesthetic Knowledge Produced in the Body Environment Relationship. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e43901, 1–21.




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