No Easy Way Out: Tension Between Epistemic Autonomy and Trust on Science as a Path to Contemporary Science Education




climate change, movie theater, Socio-Scientific Issues, Cosmopolitics


In this article, we present an empirical study that aims to discuss the tension between epistemic autonomy and trust in science, as well as the epistemic-political commitments of different sociological currents based on notions from the field of Cosmopolitics. To do so, researchers analyzed the issue of anthropogenic global warming through arguments presented in documentaries on the subject. Subsequently, these arguments were used in an undergraduate Physics course module culminating in a simulated jury. In addition to the documentaries, responses to questionnaires and transcripts of the simulated jury were analyzed. The results indicate that both documentaries employ natural, social, and discursive arguments (in the sense attributed by Latour). It is not possible to take a stance on the issue solely based on the documentary data. Therefore, deciding which side to support requires some level of trust in the data found during the consultation on the subject. In the simulated jury, the main findings indicate that (1) a mastery of scientific concepts is essential for a meaningful debate — even though defining a minimal science education curriculum doesn't make sense, (2) trust in science plays a crucial role in the final outcome, even though the development of epistemic autonomy is necessary, (3) there is a need for the creation of inter-institutional spaces for the debate of socio-scientific issues.


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How to Cite

Gois, E., Lima, N. W., & Moraes , A. G. de. (2024). No Easy Way Out: Tension Between Epistemic Autonomy and Trust on Science as a Path to Contemporary Science Education. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e49070, 1–64.




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