Research activities in the pandemic
the use of the online platform PCIBEX to do psycholinguistics experiments
Online experiments, PCIbex, Psycholinguistics, Sentence processingAbstract
This paper has the main goal of analyzing and explaining the use of the web platform for doing psycholinguistics experiments online called PCIbex (ZEHR; SCHWARZ, 2018). To illustrate its use, we presented an experiment developed for the research: “Processamento de sentenças e Foco: estudos de interface na Psicolinguística experimental”. For further exemplification of the platform, we compared it to another similar tool called PsychoPy (PEIRCE, 2007). This study proves itself relevant because the literature in Portuguese about this platform is scarce. As a result, we aim to contribute to the dissemination of PCIbex in the Brazilian research community.
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