Synchronous and asynchronous distance learning of anaphora in foreign languages
an experimental study
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Anaphora, Distance learning modalities, Foreign languages learningResumen
This paper analyses the influence of the distance learning modality (synchronous/asynchronous) in the learning of anaphora in English and Spanish as foreign languages, based on the results of a course offered to Modern Language students at a Brazilian university in the first semester of 2020. Factors as the level of proficiency, type of task, and degree of motivation were also considered. Two experimental groups and one control group were compared in four written tests. English learners demonstrated a higher prior knowledge of anaphora than Spanish learners and showed the best test results. A positive and moderate correlation was found between the knowledge of anaphora, level of proficiency, and degree of motivation to study the language. Although the experimental groups made progress in the reading tests, the same did not happen in the writing tests. Finally, the difference was not significant between the two experimental groups.
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