Occurrence of gastrointestinal protozoan oocysts in Passeriformes, Psitaciformes and Galiformes sold in pet shops in Salinas, Minas Gerais
Animal health, Coprology, EndoparasitesAbstract
Gastrointestinal parasitoses, including those caused by coccidial protozoa, are diseases that can cause subclinical changes or even death in birds submitted to stress, kept in cages with high population density. Thus, we aimed to detect the presence of gastrointestinal protozoan oocysts in fecal samples from bird enclosures of the orders Passeriformes, Psittaciformes and Galiformes sold in pet shops in Salinas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fecal samples were collected from 15 enclosures of three Psittaciformes species, two Galliformes species and one Passeriformes species. Among the enclosures evaluated were Passeriformes of the species Serinus canaria (canary), Psittaciformes of the species Nymphicus hollandicus (cockatiel), Melopsittacus undulates (budgerigar) and Agapornis personatus (lovebird) and Galiformes of the species Coturnix coturnix japonica (japanese quail) and Gallus gallus domesticus (domestic chicken). Samples were processed using the sodium chloride saturated solution floatage technique (Willis-Mollay) and samples positive for coccidial protozoan oocysts were subjected to sporulation in 1.0% potassium dichromate at room temperature. Helminth eggs were not detected, but oocysts of protozoa were observed in two enclosures of Japanese quail and one enclosure of canary. The present work exposes the presence of coccidia in birds commercialized in the municipality of Salinas, in the state of Minas Gerais. The parasitological knowledge obtained can contribute to the decision of preventive measures, aiming at improving the health and welfare of commercialized birds.
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