Evaluation of the nutritional and metabolic effects of replacing corn silage with extruded feed of grass marandu (Urochloa brizantha) in sheep





Extrusion, Ovis aries, Rumination, Roughage


The objective was to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of increasing levels of extruded roughage (Urochloa brizantha) to replace corn silage on consumption, digestibility, ingestive behavior and blood metabolites in sheep. Twenty Santa Inês ewes over three years of age and an average body weight of 55.8 kg were used. A completely randomized design was carried out with four treatments and five repetitions, and the results were submitted to a regression study at 95% probability. The treatments used were different levels of inclusion of the extruded roughage Foragge® 65% (F) replacing corn silage (S), being: 20% Foragge® and 80% corn silage (20% F: 80% S ); 40% Foragge® and 60% corn silage (40% F: 60% S); 60% Foragge® and 40% corn silage (60% F: 40% S) and 80% Foragge® and 20% corn silage (80% F: 20% S). The animals were kept in individual metabolic cages, equipped with feeders, salt shakers and drinking fountains. A digestibility study was carried out, allowing the evaluation of dry matter intake (DMI), digestibility, ingestive behavior and blood metabolites. The DMI showed a positive linear response to the inclusion of extruded roughage, as well as water consumption, fecal weight and efficiency of ingestion, rumination and chewing, without altering digestibility. Blood urea levels showed a quadratic response to the inclusion of extruded roughage. It is concluded that the partial replacement of corn silage by Foragge® in 40%, occurred in the 40F: 60S treatment, is very positive, gained in efficiency, work and productivity.


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How to Cite

Silva, D. A. de P. ., Santana, A. G. ., Araujo, C. M., Oliveira, K. A. ., Siqueira, M. T. S. S., & Macedo Júnior, G. L. (2020). Evaluation of the nutritional and metabolic effects of replacing corn silage with extruded feed of grass marandu (Urochloa brizantha) in sheep. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.35699/2447-6218.2020.19833



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