Analysis of the presence of the activity of the salivary alpha-amylase enzyme in bovine species




Starch, Bovine, Enzymatic activity, Salivary gland


The main salivary enzyme responsible for carbohydrate digestion is alpha-amylase. However, researches on the presence of this enzyme in bovine species are minimal and contradictory. Accordingly, the aim of this investigation was to analyze the presence of alpha-amylase enzyme activity in the saliva in bovine species. The protocol used to determine the enzyme was the modified colorimetric kit “Amilase Colorimétrica K003” (Bioclin, Quibasa Química Básica Ltda, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil). The analysis was performed through macroscopic visualization of the staining after the sample was incubated with the starch substrate, and when adding iodine, not hydrolyzed starch acquires blue/black coloration that decreases proportionally to the enzymatic activity, being compared with a control. It was observed that no sample presented colorimetric results that indicate the presence of the alpha amylase, being possible to conclude that, there is no significant presence of these protein in the saliva of bovine species that be able to hydrolize the starch.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, N. D. de ., Silva, A. K. . M. da, Bernis, . V. M. O., & Bernis Filho, W. . O. (2021). Analysis of the presence of the activity of the salivary alpha-amylase enzyme in bovine species. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 13, 1–7.



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