Pós-Democracia, Educação, LimitesAbstract
I present in this article a study about the educational possibilities in a “post-democratic” context. The “post-democracy” reverberates in Brazil through the absence of limits of powers (economical, political), which flexibilizes, commercialises and destroys rights, wherein the violence perverts the public space dehumanizing and turning invisible the unwelcome people of the neoliberal project. Research in education cannot neglect the relevance of investigating the context in which it occurs, while, at the same time, proposing alternatives that ensure its specificity. In that sense, departing from the interpretation of fundamental authors, I have established relations based in the plausibility and coherence of arguments to help formulate answers to the central problem. The education, to stand against the “post-democracy”, takes a privileged place in the school, wherein the students must have access to the truth and knowledge (in contrast to the “post-truth”), the respect of limits (the truth, the knowledge, the world and the others are limits to the childish narcissism and perversions), the imposition of limits (the school becomes a limit to the injunctions from the family, the economy, the society and the politics), the introduction into the “world” and the learnage of democratic values.
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