Intercultural dialogues, hybridizations and identity building

a study of the CD Fogaréu by the goiano composer Bororó




Goiano musician Bororó, CD Fogaréu, Intercultural dialogues, Hybridizations, Performative identities


This article is linked to a research that had as object the double bass player and composer from Goiás Bororó, baptized as Dimerval Felipe da Silva. It was delimited as a universe of research the set of songs that integrate the CD Fogaréu, here perceived as a symbolic space to think the dynamics of intercultural dialogues and hybrid poetics. The aim of this work was to investigate, from the theoretical scope of Cultural Studies, the processes of hybridization that permeate the musical language of Bororó as a result of existential experiences, identity constructions and aesthetic options. One of the results achieved is that the concept of hybridization, as operationalized by Bororó, comprises the cultural mixture as a process of approximation and negotiation between disparate elements, a space where the transversality of oblique powers is evident.

Author Biographies

  • Magda Miranda Clímaco, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

    PhD in Cultural History from the University of Brasilia (UnB); Master in Music from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG); Bachelor in Piano from UFG and Degree in Music from the same institution. She is an associate professor and researcher at the School of Music and Scenic Arts at the Federal University of Goiás (EMAC/UFG) and an advisor for the Graduate Program in Music at EMAC/UFG.) She is a member of the coordination of the Braz Wilson Pompeo de Pina Musicology Laboratory at EMAC/UFG and Caravelas - Center for Research in Luso-Brazilian Music History/CESEM/New University of Lisbon. He has several works published in qualified scientific journals, congress annals and book chapters. She received from the Municipal Chamber of Goiânia the "Diploma of Honor to the Merit by the services rendered to the Goiânia's Culture". One of the creators and coordinators of the International Symposium of Musicology promoted annually in the cities of Pirenópolis/GO and Goiânia by the School of Music and Performing Arts of the Federal University of Goiás (EMAC/UFG), since 2011.

  • Ana Guiomar Rêgo Souza, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

    PhD in Cultural History from the University of Brasília (UnB). Master in Music from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Bachelor in Piano by UFG. Associate professor at UFG, located at the School of Music and Scenic Arts (EMAC).  She was Director of EMAC/UFG. She coordinates the Braz Wilson Pompeu de Pina Filho Musicology Laboratory. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of NÚCLEO CARAVELAS - Research Center in History of Luso-Brazilian Music / CESEM/Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She is a member of the Editorial Board of REVISTA UFG. She is an advisor in the Graduate Program in Music at EMAC/UFG). Presides over the International Symposium of Musicology. Organized the series "O Grande Governador da Ilha dos Lagartos" (Textbook, Score Book, Photo Album, DVD, EAD Material) and the book "Musicology & Diversity". He has published book chapters, articles in qualified scientific journals and in Annals. He has produced operas and musicals, CDS and DVS resulting from historical and musicological research. In 2016, he received from the Government and State Council of the State of Goiás the "Medal of Cultural Merit" for his important contribution to the Goian culture in the area of music; from the Goiânia Academy of Arts and Letters of the State of Goiás he received the commendation "Medallion AFLAG - Women who enhance the State and of Goiás" (2018); from the City Council the "Diploma of Honor to the Merit for services to the Goian Culture"; from the Goiás State Government and the State Council of Culture the "Certificate of Cultural Merit for the important contribution to the Goian culture".

  • Manassés Barros Aragão, Federal University of Goiás, Brazil

    (in memoriam) He has worked as a trumpet player, arranger and composer. He has a degree in Music Education by the School of Music and Performing Arts of the Federal University of Goiás (2008). Master in Music by UFBA (2020). He was a music education teacher and coordinates the project of bands at the Centro de Estudo e Pesquisa Ciranda da Arte in Goiânia-Go. He has conducted research on the following themes: Music; hybridization; identities and musical performance.


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How to Cite

“Intercultural Dialogues, Hybridizations and Identity Building: A Study of the CD Fogaréu by the Goiano Composer Bororó”. 2021. Per Musi, no. 41 (August): 1-20.

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