Intercultural dialogues, hybridizations and identity building
a study of the CD Fogaréu by the goiano composer Bororó
Goiano musician Bororó, CD Fogaréu, Intercultural dialogues, Hybridizations, Performative identitiesAbstract
This article is linked to a research that had as object the double bass player and composer from Goiás Bororó, baptized as Dimerval Felipe da Silva. It was delimited as a universe of research the set of songs that integrate the CD Fogaréu, here perceived as a symbolic space to think the dynamics of intercultural dialogues and hybrid poetics. The aim of this work was to investigate, from the theoretical scope of Cultural Studies, the processes of hybridization that permeate the musical language of Bororó as a result of existential experiences, identity constructions and aesthetic options. One of the results achieved is that the concept of hybridization, as operationalized by Bororó, comprises the cultural mixture as a process of approximation and negotiation between disparate elements, a space where the transversality of oblique powers is evident.
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