Religious musical practice in Brazil and Portugal in the second half of eighteenth century

parallels and basis for the vocal interpretation of the music of José Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita


  • Katya Beatriz de Oliveira Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) (Brazil)
  • Laura Tausz Rónai Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) (Brazil)


Brazilian music, Sacred music, Vocal performance, Historically informed music, Lobo de Mesquita


In this essay we intend to investigate the similarities in style between the music of the composer from Minas Gerais José Joaquim Emerico Lobo de Mesquita, particularly in the soprano solo of his Mass in E flat, and the soprano solo of a Mass for five voices by David Perez and the first movement of the motet Care Deus si respiro, for soprano solo and strings, by Niccoló Jommelli, Italian composers of the Neapolitan school who worked for the Portuguese court in the second half of the 18th century.


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Author Biographies

Katya Beatriz de Oliveira, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) (Brazil)

She is currently working on her master's degree in interpretative practices (historical performance) at UNIRIO, under the orientation of Laura Rónai. Her training includes a bachelor's degree in lyric singing at UFMG, opera training in the USA as a scholar of the Ministry of Culture, with Prof. Carmo Barbosa (SP), and interpretative training in the opera The Elixir of Love, with Maestro Sergio Oliva, in Rome (Italy). She has performed as soloist with different orchestras in the roles of Violeta (La Traviata), Adina (The Elixir of Love), Serpina (La serva padrona), among others. She performs mainly as an interpreter of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Brazilian music and related European composers, as a member of the Domine Maris Choir and Orchestra, with which she recorded the CD Creator Alme. She participated as soloist in the recording of the CDs 10th International Festival of Brazilian Colonial Music and Early Music (Juiz de Fora-MG), Ensemble Cum Sancto Spiritus (Vitória-ES) and in the CD Cantigas de Roda (Vitória-ES). In 2008 he published four editions of musical manuscripts in the book A música sacra em Viçosa.

Laura Tausz Rónai, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) (Brazil)

Flautist graduated in Music from UNIRIO and in Flute from the State University of New York. She received her M.A. from the City University of New York and her Ph.D. in Interpretive Practices from UNIRIO. He has taught courses at the Real Conservatório Superior de Madrid and, in the USA, at Rutgers and Princeton Universities. He has visited England, invited by the British Council, and has given recitals in the USA and Europe. He plays in duo with the pianist Ruth Serrão and the harpsichordist Sula Kossatz, with whom he is a member of the chamber groups Sine Nomine and Re-Toques. She conducts the UNIRIO Baroque Orchestra and is a music critic for the North American magazines Fanfare and Early Music America. Currently she is responsible for the chair of transverse flute and head of the Department of Singing and Wind Instruments of UNIRIO, besides being a professor of the Graduate Program in Music of the same institution.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, Katya Beatriz de, and Laura Tausz Rónai. 2011. “Religious Musical Practice in Brazil and Portugal in the Second Half of Eighteenth Century: Parallels and Basis for the Vocal Interpretation of the Music of José Joaquim Emerico Lobo De Mesquita”. Per Musi, no. 24 (July):1-16.



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