Singer's formant
integrative review
Singing, Voice, Acoustics, PerceptionAbstract
Operatic singing, not amplified by microphones, requires the singer to be heard due to the accompaniment of the symphony orchestra. To this end, the singer can use the resource called the singer's formant. To conduct an integrative review of the singer's formant in the PubMed Central, Scopus and Scielo databases. An integrative review was conducted focusing on the concepts, phonatory/articulatory adjustments and the auditory-perceptual dimension underlying the singer's formant. It was identified that the concepts were associated with vocal brightness and the acoustic correlate of greater high-frequency energy, creating a grouping of the third and fourth formants. In the articulatory sphere, lowering of the larynx, widening of the pharynx and approximation of the tongue to the lower incisor teeth were identified. The phenomenon studied is responsible for the audibility of the human voice.
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