Groove and the electric bass

an experiment on accompaniment lines in Afro-Brazilian samba




Groove, Electric Double Bass, Samba, Popular music


This paper sought to demonstrate how the idea of groove produces specific musical performances of the double bass in samba and to understand the conceptual field through which double bassists construct this phenomenon within the musical culture. The methodology identified interpretative resources from data collected in an experiment involving 19 instrumentalists. The subjects were instructed to construct improvised bass lines over a harmonic structure presented a priori. The musical events present in each instrumentalist's recordings were annotated, classified, and analyzed with computational data visualization resources. The results show an interpretation map where the idea of groove is expressed in the samba rhythm with the use of interpretative resources and specific techniques such as ghost notes and slaps. Strategies of temporal and sequential structuring of technical resources were also presented, enriching the understanding of the groove phenomenon in the specific practice of bassists in samba.


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Author Biography

Manasses Morais de Arruda , State University of Minas Gerais, Postgraduate Program in Arts

Manassés Morais is a graduate in Music from the State University of Minas Gerais and Bituca University of Popular Music, specializing in Electric Bass. He has furthered his studies in popular music at Berklee University School and Souza Lima Music College. Morais has built a diverse career as a musician, teacher, composer, and arranger. His undergraduate research focused on "Samba and Rhythmic Variations for Electric Bass". He teaches Electric Bass, Music Theory, and Musicalization. Morais has performed in instrumental music projects and accompanied various artists. He also works as a music producer and arranger.


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How to Cite

Morais de Arruda , Manasses, and Luiz Naveda. 2024. “Groove and the Electric Bass: An Experiment on Accompaniment Lines in Afro-Brazilian Samba”. Per Musi 25 (June):1-24.



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