Circulation of Knowledge and the Production of Scientific Facts: Proposing an Analytical Trajectory for Texts in Science Education




Ludwik Fleck, Mikhail Bakhtin, Epistemology, Language, Texts


In this study, considering the interrelationship between epistemology and language, based on the theories of Ludwik Fleck and Mikhail Bakhtin, we propose an analytical trajectory for texts that circulate scientific knowledge. For this, we first give visibility to the way Fleck intertwines the social, the language (and the text) and the epistemological. Then, we present elements of Bakhtin’s philosophy of language that can analytically and theoretically deepen the social-linguistic dimension of textual productions in science. This theoretical articulation, among such authors, is systematized through questions that may enable researchers and Higher Education professors or Basic Education teachers to reflect on the role of the various texts that circulate scientific knowledge. Studying the materiality of the texts that circulate science can contribute to the process of production, incorporation and mediation of readings of such materials in the different teaching-learning contexts of the disciplines of Science Education. It also contributes to the construction of knowledge in the field of research in Science Education.


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Como Citar

Circulation of Knowledge and the Production of Scientific Facts: Proposing an Analytical Trajectory for Texts in Science Education. (2021). Revista Brasileira De Pesquisa Em Educação Em Ciências, e29398, 1-32.