Photographic Images in Chemistry Textbooks: A Study Based on the Grammar of Visual Design




Photograph, Social Semiotics, Chemical Kinetics


Considering the presence of photographs in different contexts, including educational ones, this work aimed to analyze the photographic images in chemistry textbooks approved in the PNLD 2018, specifically for chemical kinetics. The grammar of visual design was employed as a theoretical background to assess the meanings of the representations (narrative or conceptual, as well as its actors) and the composition (visual arrangement in the image and the relatedness to verbal text). The results indicated the evident presence of photographs in the textbooks, which portrayed different aspects of chemistry, with predominance for the use/application of materials and products, phenomena of nature, and experiments. However, the relationship between the verbal text and the photographs shows low connectivity and a predominance of indirect characteristics. In this way, photographs have displayed an illustrative role for chemical knowledge, being presented implicitly. From a pedagogical perspective, the photographs bring out different possibilities for interpretations and discussion. At the same time, they require a systematic reading process to explore these implicit aspects of the chemical representations. The grammar of visual design has demonstrated the potential to support such readings.


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How to Cite

Alves, F. C., Yamashita, M., & Francisco Junior, W. E. (2023). Photographic Images in Chemistry Textbooks: A Study Based on the Grammar of Visual Design. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e43873, 1–22.


