Body representations of people with HIV/AIDS

between visibility and secrecy


  • Ana Mônica Serakides Ivo BetimMG, Faculdade Pitágoras de Betim, Brasil
  • Maria Imaculada de Fátima Freitas Belo HorizonteMG, UFMG, Escola de Enfermagem , Brasil



Body Image, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Prejudice, Delivery of Health Care, Nursing Care


Major advances have been made in public policies for the treatment of AIDS; however, from the point of view of PLWHA, there were few changes in relation to the stigma attached to the disease. Physical changes due to the use of multi antiretroviral drugs (ARV) make the disease visible and, in consequence, change people's social relations and the experience of corporeity. The present study aims at understanding how those body changes are perceived and experienced by PLWHA. Data was collected through in-depth open-ended interviews that were afterwards transcribed and analyzed using the structural analysis of narratives. The representations identified were divided in two categories: 1) body being treated and visibility of the disease; 2) secrecy and prejudice in the experience of corporeity. Both are supported by representations concerning Visibility and Secrecy, which constituted the theoretical categories of this study. Secrecy is central to the interviewee's experience of corporeity. Health education in secondary prevention through the promotion of actions based on building a positive body image can improve PLWHA quality of life, as well as their social and affective interactions.


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How to Cite

Body representations of people with HIV/AIDS: between visibility and secrecy. REME Rev Min Enferm. [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];18(4). Available from:

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