Evaluation of the implementation of the systematic organization of nursing care in a pediatric ward
Nursing Process, Pediatric Nursing, Hospital Care, Process Assessment (Health Care), Nursing Management TeamAbstract
The Systematization of Nursing Care (in Portuguese, SAE) allows quality improvement in the care provided by the nursing staff. However, its implementation is still incipient in health services. The objective of this study was to evaluate the SAE implementation process in a pediatrics unit of a university hospital. It was a case study with a quantitative approach. Data was collected from SAE forms and questionnaires completed by the nursing staff. The results revealed that the SAE implementation process faces difficulties, such as the nurses' heavy workload, the nursing technicians' lack of knowledge on the subject, and the low involvement of the health workers in the process. The implementation was further impaired by the inadequacies of the institutional forms, associated to their improper completion, and to lack of coordination between phases of the nursing process. The nursing technicians' inclusion in the execution of the SAE stages needs to be encouraged. Moreover the results demonstrated that the curriculum of technical courses should offer training on nursing processes and SAE, as well as addressing the technicians' competency. In conclusion, the SAE implementation process should take place in a context of participatory management; it should consider organizational aspects, such as the number of employees and the intensity of care required by the patients in the unit; it should also value the professionals' qualifications and their awareness about SAE.References
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