Creative writers working on a women’s football project an examination of the collaborative practices of differing communities on a project for the women’s game in Fiji, Samoa, and Solomon Islands
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Until recently, women’s football in Oceania has received very little academic scrutiny. New research examines social and historical aspects of women’s football in the region. As part of the project, a larger research team collaborated with football related organisations on the development of potential community resources. Informed by theoretical frameworks drawn from studies on formal and informal communities of practice, this paper examines the practices and processes of a creative writing research community in the design and development of resources aimed at a differing community of practice, in this case a group of football industry practitioners. This paper offers a brief overview of women’s football in Fiji, Sāmoa, and Solomon Islands, describes the project outcomes and outputs, and presents insight on the experiences of the project team in their production. The paper contributes to theoretical fields related to communities of practice and to those social histories of women’s football in general and specifically in Oceania.
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Cómo citar
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