The assessment of trumpet´s instrumental performance by teachers
issues and challenges
Evaluation, Musical performance, Swanwick´s Spiral Theory of the Musical Development, Dimensions of musical evaluation used by SWANWICK e TILLMANAbstract
A group of Trumpet´s teachers was invited to assess the instrumental performance of two students. Initially, the evaluation of the performance of the two students was held freely (without theoretical frameworks or specific instruments) and then based on the Scale of Evaluation of Musical Execution, which was based on Swanwick’s theory. The main objective of this research is to contrast the assessments done by Trumpet´s teachers, based on Scale of Evaluation of the Musical Execution (COSTA e BARBOSA, 2010), with the free assessments (without references) carried out by the same group of teachers. By comparing the two forms of evaluation, we verify the inconsistency of the assessments and judgments in respect to the performance of the students.
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