Fausto Borém, University of Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Fausto Borém (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1960) is Teacher of Double Bass, Chamber Music, Music Research and Performance Practices at UFMG, where he created the Master in Music and the Per Musi Magazine. A CNPq researcher since 1994, he holds a PhD in double bass from the University of Georgia and an M.A. in double bass from the University of Iowa, USA. He organized the I National Seminar on Research in Music Performance (1999), the Fourth International Double Bassists Meeting (1996), the Second National Double Bass Composition Contest (1996) and the First National Double Bassists Contest (2002). He has represented Brazil in the main national and international double bass events (USA in 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999 and 2001, France in 1994, Scotland in 1998). He has presented papers at the International Society of Bassists Convention, SBPC, International Double Bass Meetings, ANPPOM National Meetings, GAMUT Annual Meeting - Georgia Association of Music Theory. He has published dozens of articles in important national and international journals in the areas of performance, analysis and historical musicology (see Curriculum Lattes at the CNPq website). Award-winning soloist several times in Brazil and abroad, he is the bass player of Trio Novarte and Geraes Jazz 'round. His work Uma Didática da Invenção was awarded 3rd place in the III National Contest of Composition for Double Bass (UFG, 2000). He has coordinated twice the Visiting Artist Project at UFMG with the UAKTI Workshop (1996) and the Workshop of Double Bass Guitar Making for Children (2002).