O Jazz de Bill Evans
formação, influências, obras e estilo composicional
Ecletismo de Bill Evans, Hibridismo em música, Música francesa e jazz modal jazz, Transformação e improvisação musical, Influência entre música erudita e popularResumo
Estudo estilístico sobre a música do compositor e pianista norte-americano Bill Evans. Inclui um contexto sobre os pianistas, compositores (eruditos e populares) e o teórico do jazz George Russell, que marcaram sua formação musical. A análise de 19 obras selecionadas de Bill Evans revela características estilísticas relacionadas ao estilo/andamento, métrica, tonalidade, forma, duração, ritmo harmônico, linguagem harmônica e outros detalhes relevantes.
ANTONIUK, Jeff. Entrevista pessoal de Jeff Antoniuk a Bill Murray. 8 de Novembro, 2008.
BACON, Don. Interview with Bill Evans. In: Letter From Evans. v.5. n.2, winter, 1994. p.17-21.
BIOGRAPHY RESOURCE CENTER. Contemporary musicians: Bill Evans. v.17, Gale Research, 1996, reproduced in Biography Resource Center (Farmington Hills, Michigan: Gale, 2008).
COLLIER, James Lincoln. The Making of jazz: A Comprehensive History. New York: Dell Publishing, 1978.
DOERSCHUK, Robert L. 88: The Giants of jazz piano. San Francisco: Backbeat Books, 2001.
EVANS, Bill; EVANS, Harry. Bill Evans and Harry Evans: the universal mind of Bill Evans: Jazz Pianist on the Creative Process and Self-Teaching. Direção de Louis Carvell. Eforfilms, 2004 (DVD).
FEATHER, Leonard; GILTER Ira. The Biographical encyclopedia of jazz. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
ISRAELS, Chuck. Bill Evans (1929-1980): A Musical memoir. The Musical Quarterly. v.1, n.2, 1985. p.109-115.
La VERNE, Andy. Bill Evans’ Twelve-Tone Tune. In: Letter From Evans. v.2, n.2. Nov./Decz, 1990. p.8-10.
LEES, Gene. Meet Me at Jim & Andy’s: jazz musicians and their world. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
LYONS, Len. The Great jazz pianists: speaking of their lives and music. New York: Quill, 1983.
Mc PARTLAND, Marian. Interviews with Bill Evans. In: Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz with Guest Bill Evans. The Jazz Alliance, TJA-12038-2, 1978 (vídeo).
MURRAY, J. William (Bill) Murray. Billy’s touch: an analysis of the compositions of Bill Evans, Billy Strayhorn, and Bill Murray. Towson, Maryland, EUA: Towson University: 2011 (Dissertação de Mestrado).
MURPHY, Tim. Entrevista pessoal de Tim Murphy a Bill Murray. 4 de Novembro, 2008.
NETHERCUTT, Ron. The Early years. In: Letters From Evans. v.1, n.2, Nov/Dez., 1989. p.4-5.
O’REILLY, Ted. Interview with Bill Evans. In: Letter From Evans. v.2, n.3, Jan./Fev., 1991. p.10-15.
PETRAHN, Sean. Audio recording review: Bill Evans’s solo sessions. v.11. In: Letter From Evans. v.2, n.5, Maio/Jun, 1991. p.11-12.
PETTINGER. Peter. Bill Evans: how my heart sings. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.
REILLY, Jack. The Harmony of Bill Evans. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 1993.
SHADWICK, Keith. Bill Evans. Downbeat Magazine. 8 de dezembro, 1960.
______. Bill Evans: everything happens to me: a musical biography. San Francisco: Backbeat Books, 2002.
TEACHOUT, Terry. Does Bill Evans swing?. Commentary. RILM. January, 1998. p.46-49.
WETZEL, Pascal. Bill Evans Fake Book. 2a ed. Prefácio de Harold Danko. New York: Ludlow Publishing, 2003.
WILLIAMS, Martin. Homage to Bill Evans. In: Bill Evans: The Complete Riverside Recordings. Notas de encarte. Berkeley, CA: Riverside Records, 1984.

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