Design Principles About the use of Facebook to Mediate Discussions on Physics Topics in High School
Teaching Physics, Design Principles, FacebookAbstract
This paper is part of an Educational Design Research (EDR) project, whose goal is to concurrently generate theoretical insights and real-world applications while working with stakeholders. Therefore, within the framework of the Institutional Program of Scholarships for Initiation to Teaching (PIBID), we sought to investigate alternatives for physics teaching problems using information and communications technology (ICT). The objective of this work was to analyze intervention and design principles on the learning of the theme of time relativity in Einstein’s Physics, with the use of Facebook as support to mediate the discussions. Thus, we applied the four steps of the intervention development process identified by Reeves (2000) within the scope of the EDR. The results show that the team evolved as we observed the decisions that were required throughout the process. It was discovered that in order to achieve a goal within a set of restrictions, it was necessary to acquire an awareness of the objectives and constraints for which it is projecting itself, as well as better observe the resources available for the development of a design. We classified development into two categories: the ability to overcome obstacles rather than give up; and the ability to rethink the impact of the design. Finally, six principles were developed that might be used to lead future operations in similar situations.
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