A Model Proposal to Address Relationships Between Epistemic Practices and Socio-Scientific Issues in Science Education





Epistemic objectives, Informal reasoning, Epistemic cognition, Social norms


In this paper we present a model that relates epistemic practices and socio-scientific issues (SSI) in science education. To develop it, we establish interweaving between norms, practices, epistemic objectives, epistemic cognition, informal reasoning, epistemic practices and justified positioning. We suggest that epistemic cognition is the link between reasoning and epistemic practices. We present three epistemic goals that should guide work with epistemic practices when solving a SSI: recognizing and using multiple lines of reasoning when solving the SSI, construction and evaluation of holistic arguments aiming to understand the multiple dimensions of the SSI and the development of skeptical investigations to resolve the SSI. The stated objectives contribute to the critical assessment and resolution of the SSI. We believe that for the construction of social norms in teaching environments with SSI, it should be considered that these questions do not require a “single” answer and, therefore, a space for reflection, awareness, and justification of the different perspectives on the question must be allowed. The relationships established in this article contribute to research that aims to develop and analyze epistemic practices “in situ” in teaching contexts with SSI. In addition, they have the potential to provide support to teachers who wish to favor the occurrence of epistemic practices in a SSI approach.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Costa Ramos, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto

Tatiana Costa Ramos, graduated in Chemistry by the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Master and Doctoral Student in Education by the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences of the Federal University of Ouro Preto.

Paula Cristina Cardoso Mendonça, Federal University of Ouro Preto

Paula Cristina Cardoso Mendonça, professor at the Department of Chemistry and the Graduate Program in Education at UFOP. She has a degree in Chemistry and a Master and PhD in Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Ramos, T. C., & Mendonça, P. C. C. . (2021). A Model Proposal to Address Relationships Between Epistemic Practices and Socio-Scientific Issues in Science Education. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e25348, 1–29. https://doi.org/10.28976/1984-2686rbpec2021u713741


