A Study on the Contributions of Laboratory Activities Focused on the Scientific Modeling Process to Undergraduates’ Understanding of Optics Concepts and Experimental Work





Optics, Scientific Modeling, Experimental Activities, Laboratory Learning


We evaluated the contributions of the teaching methodology named "Modelling Episodes" (EM), so that undergraduate physics students can enhance their understanding of the conceptual field of Didactic-Scientific Modeling (MDC +), in particular when it comes to experimental work and concepts of scientific model, variable control and experimental evidence. By exploring this methodology in laboratory classes e.g., on attenuation of light and polarization, we also assess its contribution for participants to broaden their conceptual understanding of optics. Adopting the perspective of MDC+, we developed four EM, each one focusing on a specific concept of the MDC+. Through an explanatory case study of an experimental physics class at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), we answered the following questions: (i) how does the EM contribute to students’ better conceptual understanding of optics, favoring the easing of student’s typical difficulties in learning physical concepts of optics? (ii) how does it contribute to students’ better conceptual understanding of MDC+, in particular as an enhancing method for attribution of sense and meaning to the concepts of scientific model, control of variables and experimental evidence? As a result of this study, we conclude that EM helped students develop a better understanding of scientific modeling and mitigate, although partially, common difficulties in the learning of optics.


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How to Cite

Weber, R., Heidemann, L. A., & Veit, E. A. (2022). A Study on the Contributions of Laboratory Activities Focused on the Scientific Modeling Process to Undergraduates’ Understanding of Optics Concepts and Experimental Work. Brazilian Journal of Research in Science Education, e36646, 1–32. https://doi.org/10.28976/1984-2686rbpec2022u661692


