What is academic freedom?
Philosophy of Law, Academic freedom, Freedom of speechAbstract
Throughout the last years academic freedom has been the target of many disputes. This does not happen by chance, considering that teaching and researching are fundamental to the formation of the democratic debate and to the pursuit of knowledge. All this scenary makes academic freedom particularly fragile. The work aimed to study it in detail, dividing it into: the student's freedom regarding the teacher; teacher autonomy considering the institution; teacher autonomy considering the government; and, finally, freedom and autonomy of the institution itself considering the government. When thinking about defense mechanisms for Academic Freedom, it is first necessary to question until what extent it intertwines with Freedom of Expression, and whether the protection of the latter is enough to protect the former. In the study of administrative investigations, it was discovered that Academic Freedom has a broader concept than Freedom of Expression, as it involves, among others, administrative and researching aspects. The delimitation of this freedom involves differences in intramural and extramural discourses, in addition to ethical behavior standards. It is also necessary to understand that educational autonomy goes through administrative and financial aspects. Finally, we understand that costs on education is nothing more than true investments in the future of the country.
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