The entrepreneur interference in policies for worker education
Educational Policy, Public-Private, High schoolAbstract
This article, through bibliographical and documentary research, aims to present the historical paths that led the current federal government to sanction Law n. 13415/2017, of the reform of high school. It also aims to discuss the historical trend of entrepreneurs' interference in the elaboration of educational policies, aimed at secondary education and professional education, in Brazil. It presents indications of these interferences from the elaboration of the Capanema Law, passing through the dictatorial period, in which compulsory professionalization was put into practice through Law 5692/1971. In the process of elaborating LDBEN/1996, the neoliberal ideology reiterates the priority of preparing the subject for the demands of the world of capitalist production. Since 2006, with the establishment of the "All for Education" business movement, the influence of this group becomes more organic and occurs in partnership with the MEC and entities such as CONSED, obtaining a strong presence in the elaboration of the guidelines for the reform of the high school. It concludes by emphasizing that policies for education, historically, are elaborated in a context of dispute between projects very different from society and mediated by the confrontations between the antagonistic classes. Thus, they reinforce the offer of an education for the formation of the workforce that serves the interests of the entrepreneurs and moves away from the ideal of human formation and full of social subjects.
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