Yield of cheese type Camembert with addition of protein extenders with and without mass stirring
Dairy protein, Solids transfer, Fat loss, Protein lossAbstract
Was evaluated the use of dairy protein concentrate (dpc) and the role of mass stirring in the manufacture yield of the cheese type Camembert. Two whey protein concentrate, and two milk protein were used. The stirring or not of the mass in schema split plots in treatments was evaluated. The milk characterization was evaluated in relation to its average values. The cheeses’ chemical composition; fat loss and protein in whey; g/L coefficient; yield in L/kg. The dpc addition, promoted no difference in yeld, did not influence in isolation way in the cheese composition and way in the fat loss in the whey, promoted less loss of protein in whey in treatments with milk protein, in transfer of solids. Stirring or not mass did not change the yield, influenced in isolation way in the fat content of the cheese, presenting them without stirring the higher values, did not influence in isolation way in the fat loss in whey. M1 and M2 treatments showed less loss of protein and fat in whey. It is suggest to manufacture cheeses without stirring, reducing 30 to 40 minutes the manufacture time.
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