Protected amino acids in control of consumption, performance and ingested behavior
Lysine, Biometric measurements, Methionine, Ovis ariesAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the intake, performance and ingestive behavior of lambs supplemented with lysine and methionine protected from ruminal degradation. Twenty lambs with average weight and age of 38 ± 5 kg and six months, respectively, were divided into four collective stalls during 105 days of experimental period (15 days of adaptation and 90 days of data collection). The diets were composed of corn silage and concentrate: with 4% MicroPEARLS® inclusion, which is protected lysine and methionine, characterizing the treatments: without the inclusion of the product (Control treatment) and with the inclusion (Lis + Met treatment) in the concentrate. Dry matter intake (DMI) was evaluated daily, biometric measurements, body condition score (BCS) and weight were obtained every 15 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with ten replications (animals) per treatment for biometric variables and ingestive behavior. The experimental design was completely randomized, with measurements repeated over time with ten replications (animals) per treatment for biometric variables and ingestive behavior. In the plot was the inclusion or not of the amino acid and as a measure repeated over time the period (this being evaluated by regression study at 5% probability because they are quantitative variables). Dry matter intake as a function of treatments was compared using descriptive statistics. Biometric measurements were not influenced by treatments and increased linearly over the period evaluated. There was interaction between treatment and period for posterior height and body length. Average daily gain and ingestive behavior were not influenced. Inclusion of protected amino acids (lysine and methionine) by up to 4% does not alter DMI, weight gain, body development and ingestive behavior of lambs.
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