Evaluation of nutritional and metabolic parameters of lambs fed with yeast in the feed





Digestibility, Microbial Additive, Ovis aries, Ruminants


The objective was to evaluate dry matter digestibility, consumption and metabolic profile of lambs fed with live and inactivated yeasts in the feed. Twenty crossbred animals with an average weight of 37.3 kg were used. The food was supplied twice a day and weighed and sampled daily, the leftovers and feces in natural matter were also sampled. The amount of urine excreted and its density were measured. All blood collections were performed in the morning with fasting animals. A completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and five replications. Variance analysis and treatment averages were compared using the SNK test with a 5% significance level for type I error. P value greater than 0.05 and less than 0.10 was considered a significant trend. The following treatments were evaluated: Milk Sacc X® (active yeast), Active Flora® (live yeast plus inactivated yeast) and Rumen Yeast® (inactive yeast). There was no difference between treatments for CMS and DMS, as well as for the other variables analyzed with the exception of the fecal score, which showed a significant trend (P = 0.0682), whose Active Flora® and Rumen Yeast® treatments were ideal for the species. No treatment showed a statistical difference for blood metabolic variables. However, there was a quadratic effect on the time of assessment for blood glucose concentration. The inclusion of live or inactivated yeasts in the diet for lambs does not influence the digestibility of the diet, the consumption of dry matter of the animals and also does not change their metabolic profile.


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How to Cite

Siqueira, M. T. S., Ruela, P. A. C., Oliveira, K. A. ., Silva, D. A. de P. ., Sousa, L. F. ., & Macedo Júnior, G. de L. . (2020). Evaluation of nutritional and metabolic parameters of lambs fed with yeast in the feed. Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.35699/2447-6218.2020.23902



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