Decorum, wit and wonder on villages, squares and churches of Santa Bárbara and Catas Altas (Brazil)



Wonder, Wit, Brazilian architecture (18th C.), Santa Bárbara, Catas Altas


The text is the basis of the speech that closed the Second Week of Early Music of UFMG. The lecture took place in the shape of commented visits to squares and churches of Santa Barbara and Catas Altas (Brazil), analyzing issues such as eployment of the site, blueprint, façades and ornamentation, which shaped their beauty, their wit and their wonder.

Author Biography

  • Rodrigo Almeida Bastos, University Federal of Minas Gerais (UFMG) (Brazil)

    Engineer, architect and writer; Master in architecture from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and PhD from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (2009), where he defended the thesis entitled A maravilhosa fábrica de virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822) - recognized in June 2010 with the Marta Rossetti Batista Art History Award. In 2008, he completed his doctoral internship in Art History at the New University of Lisbon. He is an adjunct professor at the School of Architecture at UFMG, and since 2006 is part of the faculty of the Lato Sensu Specialization Course in Baroque Culture and Art at the Institute of Philosophy, Arts and Culture of the Federal University of Ouro Preto. As a researcher, he investigates the art and architecture of Minas Gerais in the colonial period in the light of coeval precepts, a theme for which he has dozens of articles published in specialized magazines and annals of national and international scientific meetings. He won the national award for best critical essay on architecture and urbanism in 2007, Young Architects Award, with the text Regularity and order of the Minas Gerais settlements in the eighteenth century. Between 2004 and 2010, he was the singer of the Madrigale Choir, of Belo Horizonte.


BASTOS, Rodrigo Almeida. A Arte do Urbanismo Conveniente: o decoro na implantação de novas povoações em Minas Gerais na primeira metade do século XVIII. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arquitetura) – UFMG, Escola de Arquitetura. Belo Horizonte, 2003.

______. A Maravilhosa Fábrica de Virtudes: o decoro na arquitetura religiosa de Vila Rica, Minas Gerais (1711-1822). Tese (Doutorado em Arquitetura)-FAU-USP. São Paulo, 2009.

SNYDER, John. L’estetica del barocco. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2005.

TESAURO, Emanuele. Argúcias Humanas. (Excerto de Il Cannocchiale aristotelico, 1670). Tradução de Gabriella Cipollini e João Adolfo Hansen. Revista do IFAC. Ouro Preto: IFAC/UFOP, n. 4, p.3-10, dez. 1997.

_____. Il cannocchiale aristotelico o sai dell’arguta, et ingeniosa Elocutione, Che serve à tutta l’Arte Oratoria, Lapidaria, et Simbólica. Esaminata co’ principii Del divino Aristotelte. Dal Conte D. Emanuele Tesauro, Cavalier Gran Croce de’ Santi Mauritio & Lazaro. 5 ed. Torino, Zavatta.

VASCONCELLOS, Ignacio da Piedade. Artefactos Symmetriacos, e Geometricos, advertidos, e descobertos pela industriosa perfeiçaõ das Artes, Esculturaria, Architectonica, e da Pintura. Com certos fundamentos, e regras infalliveis para a Symmetria dos corpos humanos, Escultura, e Pintura dos Deoses fabulosos, e noticia de suas propriedades, para as cinco ordens de Architectura, e suas figuras geometricas, e para alguns novos, e curiosissimos Artefactos de grandes utilidades. Offerecidos á Serenissima Senhora D. Marianna de Austria, Rainha de Portugal, Repartidos neste volume em quatro livros, pelo Padre Ignacio da Piedade Vasconcellos, Conego secular de S. Joam Euangelista, neste Reyno de Portugal, e Prégador nesta Congregação, natural de Santarem. Dados Á estampa pelo Reverendissimo Padre Antonio da Anunciaçam da Costa, Conego da mesma Congegação. Lisboa Occidental, na officina de Joseph Antonio da Sylva, Impressor da Academia Real. MDCCXXXIII (1733). Com todas as licenças necessaria. (BNP cota BA 237v. Microfilme F. 1945).





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How to Cite

“Decorum, Wit and Wonder on Villages, Squares and Churches of Santa Bárbara and Catas Altas (Brazil)”. 2011. Per Musi, no. 24 (July): 1-12.

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