Right to tolerance, to a proper work environment and to restrictions to hate speech as group libel





Freedom of expression, Tolerance, Jeremy Waldron, Labour law, Work enviornment


Hate speech is an important problem for the Brazilian legal debate. Its reverberation can be seen as a reflection of our past, full of injustices against minority groups. It is a famous argument in American political theory that hate speech is covered by freedom of speech. It would only be necessary to repair afterwards any psychic damage, a thesis that has been accepted by the labor jurisprudence in Brazil in cases of indirect discrimination in the workplace. This article seeks to problematize this thesis based on Jeremy Waldron's arguments in the book “The harm in the hate speech” (2012), in order to promote a criticism based on principles of justice to this line of thought in Brazil. The hypothesis of this article is that tolerance is a diffuse right that is part of what is called in the labor law doctrine “the right to an adequate work environment.” This is because tolerance ensures the conditions for the exercise of autonomy that accompanies the moral status of dignity. Unlike cases of offenses, it will be argued that, for cases of hate speech, not only the filing of a class action for the defense of a diffuse right, but also the prior regulation of this type of speech, which, if it circulates freely, may have the effect of compromising the conditions for the exercise of autonomy inherent to the dignity of the agents of a certain minority group, affecting, for example, their chances of obtaining promotions and social esteem for their work.

Author Biography

  • Martin Magnus Petiz, Universidade de São Paulo

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How to Cite

Right to tolerance, to a proper work environment and to restrictions to hate speech as group libel. Revista de Ciências do Estado, Belo Horizonte, v. 8, n. 2, p. 1–30, 2023. DOI: 10.35699/2525-8036.2023.42552. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/revice/article/view/e42552. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.

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