Identidade híbrida

Um estudo do desenvolvimento da auto-identidade com mídias digitais e inteligência artificial


  • Saifalla Walid Mohamed Awad Sunway University, Malaysia
  • Kenneth Alan Feinstein Sunway University: Malaysia



Identidade, Híbrido, Auto-identidade, Tecnologia, Inteligência artificial


A sociedade atual é constantemente fixada atrás de uma tela. Cada momento de nossas vidas acordadas é carregado e compartilhado online para que o resto do mundo navegue e a maneira como as pessoas nos vêem se tornou muito importante para nós. Nosso senso de identidade foi moldado para focar em como os outros podem pensar em nós, em vez de formar e entender nossa própria identidade. Este estudo vai investigar se nossas auto-identidades mudaram drasticamente devido ao mundo girar em torno da mídia digital. Além disso, se isso está levando ao desenvolvimento de uma nova forma 'híbrida' de identidade, que anda de mãos dadas com a tecnologia.

Biografia do Autor

Saifalla Walid Mohamed Awad, Sunway University, Malaysia

Saifalla is a post graduate student in Visaula Communication & Media Studies at Sunway University.

Kenneth Alan Feinstein, Sunway University: Malaysia

Kenneth Feinstein is an artist, theorist, curator and writer. He has exhibited creative works internationally, including solo exhibitions at the Chelsea Art Museum, New York City, and the Jogja Nasional Museum, Jogjakarta, Indonesia and group exhibitions at the Millennium Museum in Beijing, the National Visual Art Gallery Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, and the Museum of the World Ocean, Kaliningrad, Russia. His award-winning films have been shown at major international film festivals including the Edinburgh International Film Festival, the Brooklyn Film Festival and the Oaxaca Film Festival. An early digital artist, his print Try Me was the first digital print in the New York Public Library print collection. In 2014, he was the first non-Malaysian curator at the National Visual Arts Gallery, Malaysia with the exhibition Immaterial Frontiers 2.0. His writings focus on media theory and philosophy. He has published books, articles and given talks on issues surrounding the ethics of new media practice. He is the author of The Image That Doesn’t Want to Be Seen, Apropos Press, 2010 and The Promise of Photography, Intellect, Ltd. 2015.Dr. Feinstein has a Masters and PhD in Media Philosophy from the European Graduate School in Switzerland. His BA is in documentary film and photography from Hampshire College in the USA. He is Associate Professor at the Centre for Research-Creation in Digital Media, from Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


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Como Citar

AWAD, S. W. M.; FEINSTEIN, K. A. Identidade híbrida: Um estudo do desenvolvimento da auto-identidade com mídias digitais e inteligência artificial. PÓS: Revista do Programa de Pós-graduação em Artes da EBA/UFMG, Belo Horizonte, v. 10, n. 19, p. 59–68, 2020. DOI: 10.35699/2237-5864.2020.21572. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 set. 2024.



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