The trace as political reinscription in the film Apiyemiyekî?
Drawing, Trait, Political reinscription, Narrative identityAbstract
In this text, we seek to analyze how Apiyemiyekî? explores the drawing as an imagery testimony of the Waimiri-Atroari people, decimated during the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil. The film, by placing the graphic in the spotlight, achieves a discussion in which the impossibility of narrating and representing trauma intertwines with the disruptive aspect of the trait. The drawings, in addition to revealing another perspective of the facts, expose the absences that approach the narrative identity, reconfiguring the spectator’s historical experience. We understand this filmic construction as a political reinscription capable of elaborating the past from what is missing and what remains of it as a historical trait. For analysis, we will approach the idea of a thought of drawing from the blind spot and the self-portrait, through which it is possible to expose the resistance of the trait and the non-visible of the image.
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