Graduate students' perceptions of classroom gamification with Quizizz
Education, Online learning, Teaching method innovations, Student attitudes, Educational gamesAbstract
The objective of this research is to examine the perceptions that graduate university students have when using Quizizz, in the context of the subject of Advanced Cultural Management in the Publishing Field, within the Master's Degree in Management and Entrepreneurship of Cultural Projects at an online Spanish university. For this, this research poses the following questions: a) what are the students' perceptions about the use of Quizizz in the classes of Advanced Cultural Management in the Publishing Field ?; b) what variables identified in the interviews do most graduate students who use Quizizz experience in this context?, and c) does the quantitative data from the online survey validate the results of the initial qualitative interviews? A mixed methodology – qualitative and quantitative – is used to answer the questions formulated, and it is concluded that the perception of postgraduate students concerning the use of Quizizz in the virtual classroom is positive. Quizizz has a positive impact on the motivation, commitment, and dynamization of the virtual classroom. Finally, the quantitative analysis confirms the qualitative one.
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