Perception of university students before an audiovisual activity with mobile devices

a case study




Perception university students, Mobile learning, Audiovisual activity, Mobile devices, Mobile phones


The present study is based on the interest that the manifestations of the university students of Teaching, future teachers, bring from a qualitative and, to a lesser extent, quantitative aspect, on the use of portable devices, specifically mobile phones with the support of the Facebook social network, in the teaching and learning process. It is an educational experience focused on the creation of audiovisuals using mobile devices. On the one hand, the results support the importance that students attribute to the resource and the motivation generated by the use of these innovative methodologies with ICT. They give value to the need to update technologically for their future teaching, also emanating positive prejudices before the proposed proposal. On the other hand, a percentage of students value the activity negatively, declaring ignorance in relation to it; in turn, negative prejudices arise regarding its possible use in the primary education classroom. At a current moment, in which the Horizon 2019 Report foresees the incorporation of mobility learning or Mobile Learning in higher education classrooms in less than a year, we believe that the considerations of future teachers are especially interesting in light of the evolution and introduction of methodological changes following the use of mobile devices in the classroom.



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Author Biography

Salvador David Mascarell Palau, Universitat de València

Profesor Asociado desde 2010. Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Área docente de Expresión Plástica.

Especializado en tecnologías educativas basado en las imágenes. Mobile Learning o Aprendizaje en Movilidad. Dispone de diverso artículos publicados en esta línea y ha participado como ponente en diversos Congresos y Jornadas. Trabaja con dispositivos móviles: tablets y Smartphones.Es formador de cursos TIC para maestros en activo, centros Cefire y formador de docentes universitarios en el SFPIE, Centro de Formación Permanente. Es miembro del grupo de Investigación Creari, de la Universitat de Valencia. Recientemente ha sido invitado en la Oslo University Metropolitan de Noruega en Oslo para dar a conocer la metodología Mobile Learning en estudiantes del Grado de Magistero.


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How to Cite

MASCARELL PALAU, S. D. . Perception of university students before an audiovisual activity with mobile devices: a case study. Texto Livre, Belo Horizonte-MG, v. 13, n. 2, p. 140–162, 2020. DOI: 10.35699/1983-3652.2020.24375. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.