Education as social practice
contradictions of the educational complex in class society
Education, Class Society, Structural CrisisAbstract
The reflections made in this paper are based on Marxist philosophy. Based on the theoretical and methodological constructs anchored in Dialectical Historical Materialism, we make considerations about education immersed in capitalist society, in order to reflect on the historical role of the educational complex within class society, as well as the contradictions that permeate education. The dialectical movement carried out in this work begins with an intellectual effort to understand the educational phenomenon in its multiple dimensions, so that to do so, the Marxist historical dialectical method was used to understand the structural problems that surround the educational complex. The Marxist conception that it is only possible to understand the phenomenon from its genesis results in brief notes about the origin of the historical contradictions in education and about the structural crisis as a reflection of the decadence of capitalism as a social model. The debate and dialog with Marxian and Lukashian works, as well as with important Marxist interpreters, allow us to reflect about the possibilities of articulation in the field of education and about the potentiality of the educational complex in face of the obstacles of capitalism. The struggle for a critical education, which in fact can bring to the working class the art, the culture, and the scientific knowledge for the construction of a project of society that goes beyond the limits imposed by the capitalist society.
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