Propagation methods and germination interfering factors of the main Cerrado native grasses




Cerrado Conservation, Poaceae, Overcoming of numbness, Grass propagation


Seed or vegetative propagation and survival of native Cerrado grasses are the most critical steps in a process of revitalization of degraded areas that initially depends on the reintroduction of these species into the environment to be restored and also aiming at the commercial use of these species due to good palatability and resistance to environmental hazards such as rainfall and resistance to pests and diseases of some species. The lack of studies on germination of native Cerrado grasses has been pointed as an important obstacle to the propagation of these species making it difficult to restore native Cerrado vegetation. The aim of this study was to review the main native Cerrado grasses, the forms of propagation used in these grasses and factors that influence the propagation of native Cerrado grasses. The present study followed the systematic review methodology, the articles were identified in the PUBMED database Due to the rapid devastation of the Cerrado biome with the possible risk of extinction of several native grass species, it is necessary to preserve the germplasm of these native plants. In addition, further studies are needed to evaluate the germination of native Cerrado grasses under different abiotic conditions that may influence the development of these species in or near natural conditions, thus obtaining knowledge about patterns of occurrence and distribution of populations, generating essential data for understanding the propagation of species and mainly helping to define strategies for the recovery of degraded areas of the Cerrado biome.


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How to Cite

Propagation methods and germination interfering factors of the main Cerrado native grasses. (2020). Agrarian Sciences Journal, 12, 1-8.
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